Signal Crest UMC Covid 19 Status


Please Read More from Pastor Josh

As a community and world, we are dealing with the reality and impacts of the Corona virus. Signal Crest is committed to bringing you worship and ways to stay engaged as well as helping and praying for those in need. Below is a list of information and resources as we navigate this unprecedented time. We have no doubt God is on the throne and is working ALL things to His good. May you feel His peace and His hope at this time.


We are now transitioning to in-person and online worship. Learn more here. 


Prayer Chain

If you would like to be added to the Prayer Chain, please send a note to Kay Wallace at

Daily Prayer List

How to Reach Us

Our offices are now manned Monday through Thursday from 9 am to 12:30 pm. However, the doors are locked to control traffic flow. Call the church office at 423-886-2330 to enter during these time frames or you may leave us a message at other times. You may also email . You can also reach out to specific staff members. If you have a pastoral concern, please leave a message with the church office and it will be forwarded to Pastor Josh. 

Staff Directory Pastor Directory

Stay Connected

Several Adult ministries are meeting and connecting both in person or online. To learn more, contact Rebekah Ducote at

Adult Discipleship Website

We encourage those with youth and elementary age children to sign up for Youth and Children emails and to visit their respective web pages. 

Drew Barton, Director of Youth Ministries: 

Youth Website

Rachel Dow, Director of Children's Ministries:

Children's Website

Online Studies

Access Right Now Media

If you do not have a Right Now Media Account, email Rebekah at

Congregational Care

Member Needs

It is the desire of the church to call on members who are in the hospital or ill at home. Members and friends of Signal Crest, knowing of such cases, are encouraged to notify the church by calling the church office at 423-886-2330 or you may contact Rev. Josh Kilbourne at 865-292-8137 or Rev. Bill Thornton at 423-580-0892. Please note, during this time, we may not be able to visit people in the hospital or other healthcare facilities based on pending practices from those providers but we will do our best to visit and call. 

Freezer Meal Pantry

Signal Crest United Methodist Church has a Frozen Meals Ministry. During this time, please contact Faye Hitchcock (423-280-0091), or Bertie Strickler (804-922-1610) regarding utilizing and serving in this ministry and they can assist you with your needs. 

Thank you for Continued Giving

Thank you for continuing to give. Your gifts are changing lives now more than ever. We’re still being the church even though the building is closed. You have provided food to Signal Mountain Social Services, provided firewood to the families we serve, provided bread to the Orchard Knob Food Pantry, and are checking in on our home bound community and ensuring needs are met. So many of you have contacted us to see how you can help, thank you! We’re still sharing the hope of Jesus!

Give Online


As a community and world, we are dealing with the reality and impacts of the Corona virus. Signal Crest is committed to bringing you worship and ways to stay engaged as well as helping and praying for those in need. Below is a list of information and resources as we navigate this unprecedented time. We have no doubt God is on the throne and is working ALL things to His good. May you feel His peace and His hope at this time.

How to Reach Us

Our offices are now manned Monday through Thursday from 9 am to 12:30 pm. However, the doors are locked to control traffic flow. Call the church office at 423-886-2330 to enter during these time frames or you may leave us a message at other times. You may also email . You can also reach out to specific staff members. If you have a pastoral concern, please leave a message with the church office and it will be forwarded to Pastor Josh. 


We are now transitioning to in-person and online worship. Learn more here


Prayer Chain

If you would like to be added to the Prayer Chain, please send a note to Kay Wallace at

Stay Connected

Several Adult ministries are meeting and connecting both in person or online. To learn more, contact Rebekah Ducote at

Adult Discipleship Website

We encourage those with youth and elementary age children to sign up for Youth and Children emails and to visit their respective web pages. 

Drew Barton, Director of Youth Ministries: 

Rachel Dow, Director of Children's Ministries:

Online Studies

If you do not have a Right Now Media Account, email Rebekah at

Congregational Care

Member Needs

It is the desire of the church to call on members who are in the hospital or ill at home. Members and friends of Signal Crest, knowing of such cases, are encouraged to notify the church by calling the church office at 423-886-2330 or you may contact Rev. Josh Kilbourne at 865-292-8137 or Rev. Bill Thornton at 423-580-0892. Please note, during this time, we may not be able to visit people in the hospital or other healthcare facilities based on pending practices from those providers but we will do our best to visit and call. 

Freezer Meal Pantry

Signal Crest United Methodist Church has a Frozen Meals Ministry. During this time, please contact Faye Hitchcock (423-280-0091), or Bertie Strickler (804-922-1610) regarding utilizing and serving in this ministry and they can assist you with your needs. 

Thank you for Continued Giving

Thank you for continuing to give. Your gifts are changing lives now more than ever. We’re still being the church even though the building is closed. You have provided food to Signal Mountain Social Services, provided firewood to the families we serve, provided bread to the Orchard Knob Food Pantry, and are checking in on our home bound community and ensuring needs are met. So many of you have contacted us to see how you can help, thank you! We’re still sharing the hope of Jesus!

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