By Signal Crest Account
December 4, 2024
Do you have a favorite Gospel account of Jesus’s life and ministry? Whenever I’m asked this question, my answer often depends on whichever Gospel I happen to be preaching from at the moment. I love the order and structure of Matthew, the brevity and urgency of Mark, the memorable parables that we only find in Luke (the Good Samaritan, the Prodigal Son, etc.), and the fascinating characters we find in John (Nicodemus, the woman at the well, etc.). I love how each of the Gospel writers tells the same story of Jesus in their own way, with their own unique accent. The United Methodist author and pastor Adam Hamilton considers Luke to be his favorite Gospel. He describes growing up in a home that was not particularly religious. He didn’t go to Sunday school or Vacation Bible School as a child. But his grandmother gave his family a Bible, and as a teenager, Adam decided to read it from cover to cover, to see for himself what it was all about. When he finally came to the Gospels, he found the Jesus in Matthew and Mark to be a compelling figure, but he was still skeptical as to whether it was true, real, or relevant to his life. But when he read through Luke, something changed in him. “I came to love Jesus,” he writes, “as I read Luke’s Gospel.” The night he finished reading Luke, he got down on his knees beside his bed, and he prayed to the crucified and risen Jesus, “I want to follow you. I want to be your disciple.” He went on to write, “the best parts of my life have all been somehow connected to that decision to believe the witness of the Gospels and entrust my life to Jesus Christ.” This new church year, from Advent through Easter, we will be following the story of Jesus as we find it in the Gospel of Luke. Last Sunday, Bill kicked us off by looking at the story of the promise to the priest Zechariah of the birth of John the Baptist, the forerunner of Jesus. After the choir’s Christmas cantata this Sunday, we’ll continue exploring the Advent stories in Luke—the visit of the angel to Mary, the visit of Mary and her relative Elizabeth, and the visit of the shepherds to the stable of Bethlehem. Then we’ll look at the stories of Jesus as an infant and as a tweenager. And in the new year, we’ll follow his ministry all the way from his baptism through his death and resurrection. I’d like to invite you, between now and Christmas, in preparation for our journey together through the story of Jesus, to read through the Gospel of Luke yourself. Make note of what insights you gain, what questions you have, what differences you see with the other Gospel accounts. And I’d like to invite you to share those observations with Bill and me so that they can help inform our messages and reflections. I hope as we make our way through the Gospel of Luke together, we’ll all come to love Jesus even more and want to follow him even more closely as his disciples.