In response to The Great Commission, disciplemakers are empowered to work through Signal Crest's missions to engage with and serve individuals and communities in need. We encourage you to get involved with our Missions Team as part of your ever-growing faith as a Christian.

Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

Matthew 28: 18-20


Appalachian Service Project (ASP)

Appalachia Service Project is a Christian ministry, open to all people, that inspires hope and service through volunteer home repair and replacement in Central Appalachia. ASP brings thousands of volunteers from around the country to rural Central Appalachia to repair homes for low-income families. Since 1969, they’ve made homes warmer, safer, and drier for families and provided transformational service experiences for volunteers. Each year, more than 15,000 volunteers serve with ASP, providing critical repairs for more than 350 families.

From June through August, ASP works in 20-30 communities across Central Appalachia. ASP leases schools, churches, and community centers to act as summer centers for volunteers and staff. September through early May, ASP operates from permanent facilities in Southwest Virginia and Northeast Tennessee to provide critical home repair and replacement in Appalachia. Signal Crest has a long-standing connection with ASP. 

The Bethlehem Center (The Beth)

The Bethlehem Center is inspired by the gospel, to build lasting relationships with Chattanooga’s youth and families by encouraging spiritual growth, education, and leadership development. The Beth, a ministry of the United Methodist Church, desires to see the Alton Park community connected, empowered, and living life more abundantly.

Each summer, Signal Crest provides a week of breakfast and lunch for 110 children and staff during the “Lead to Read” summer program. In addition to our week of meals, Signal Crest’s Youth ministry has formed a friendship with the High School program at the Beth and our youth program is excited to host our annual basketball camp for children there in July. We are excited to continue to grow our connection with this community. 

For more information, contact: Drew Barton (dbarton@signalcrestumc.org).

Firewood Ministry 

The Firewood Ministry began in 2012 when we identified a critical need within our community. In collaboration with Signal Mountain Social Services, families were identified who were in greatest need of assistance with heating their homes. All of these families heat with wood-burning stoves and have no other alternative heat source.

Signal Crest supplies 6-8 different families with firewood each year. Through this service, we have developed meaningful relationships and have discovered additional needs with which we have assisted. Throughout the year, we have workdays at church to split firewood to maintain ample supplies to meet the winter demand. We have three hydraulic wood splitters that allow for almost anyone to participate in wood processing. In addition, we are always looking for people to help deliver firewood to our families.

Workdays are usually on Sunday afternoons, and occasionally on Saturdays. These are announced in our weekly email newsletters. 

Contact: Bill Thornton (bthornton@signalcrestumc.org)

Howard High School

The Howard High School is one of the largest public schools within Hamilton County, located on the Southside of Chattanooga. Signal Crest is thankful for the opportunity to partner and support the Howard High School. Our support of the Howard Students & Faculty includes providing meals to student athletes before games, mentoring students, attending class presentations, sponsoring teacher appreciation events, and collecting dorm and school supplies for college-bound students. 

If you are interested in learning how to support this ministry or serving, co ntact: Connie Young (423-596-04065, jaycty@epbfi.com)


Joe-d and Christina DowlingSoka serve the Willow Community in Willow, Alaska as pastors of the UMC, and formerly served our own Holston Conference as ministers. The ministry of the church responds to the poverty needs in the area. Ministries include a firewood ministry, home construction projects, fuel vouchers, and a food pantry. 


Morgan Scott Project 

The Morgan Scott Project identifies and provides solutions for the chronically poverty stricken in Morgan and Scott counties, two of the poorest counties in Tennessee. Each year, our church collects toy for their Christmas Toy Drive. 

Contat: June Bilbrey (423-208-5359 or jcbilbrey@epbfi.com)

Mustard Tree

A ministry that helps people become all that God wants them to be. 

Every Second Sunday, Signal Crest prepares and serves a free meal for the homeless congregation at “Breakthrough Worship” led by Rev. Barry Kidwell at First Centenary UMC.

Contact: Doranne Lane (doranne@epbfi.com)

Panera Bread

Every Wednesday, donated Panara Bread is picked up by Signal Crest. The bread is wrapped and distributed to various groups including: Mustard Tree Ministries, Howard High School, and Orchard Knob Food Pantry. 

Contact: Connie Young (jaycty@epbfi.com)

Prayer Shawl Ministry

The Prayer Shawl Ministry uses a love of knitting and crochet to provide comfort and support. The items we make represent our love and God’s grace. Along with prayer shawls, we make prayer squares and baby blankets. We meet in the Signal Crest Library on Tuesdays from 1:00 -2:00pm for fellowship and to share ideas and patterns. We welcome new members. 

Contact: Sherry Hubbard (423-886-4100)

Signal Mountain Social Services (SMSS)

In years past, Signal Crest has supported Signal Mountain Social Services by providing emergency home repair for some of their clients and providing fruit for their Christmas collection. Currently, Signal Crest is discerning the best way to continue supporting Social Services in the future. 

Contact: Robin Cruise (Robinacruise@gmail.com )

Martin Luther King Jr. Days of Service 2024 | January 14-15, 2024

On January 14-15, 2024, Signal Crest put their faith into action for the Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service. Our congregation joined in with people around the country to serve others on this special day. Signal Crest partnered with two local organizations, the Chambliss Center for Children and the Lookout Mountain Conservancy, to serve our Chattanooga community. At the Chambliss Center, our group did projects that included painting many walls and doors. With the Lookout Mountain Conservancy, our group helped remove invasive plants and other beautification projects at the LMC bouldering park.

Before serving, our day started with a morning prayer at Signal Crest at 8am that focused on God's call for us to seek justice, love mercy and walk humbly with our God. Our congregation is looking forward to growing this event in 2024. If you, or your work/organization might be interested in participating in the future, contact Drew Barton (dbarton@signalcrestumc.org) for more information. 

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