Dear Signal Crest Church Family,
A few months ago, as I was contemplating a theme for the 2024 stewardship campaign, I began to reflect on what we all have 24 of every single day. We all have the same amount of time – 24 hours – to do the things we need and want to do.
Time, as our former pastor Rev. Dr. Mark Gooden, reminded us this past Sunday, is the most precious gift we have been given. None of us knows how long or how short the time we will have on this earth will be. But the essential question for us all is what will we do with the time we have been given? How can we use our time wisely and well, not only for our own good, but also for the good of others, and ultimately to the glory of God?
This year, I want us to focus on the stewardship of our time as well as of our treasure. I have observed there is a connection between the two. We have a limited amount of both time and money. Some of our time is determined by others – such as the hours we are expected to be at school or at work or at the ball field – just like some of our money is already spoken for in terms of car payments or home mortgages or health insurance. But so much of both our time and money are discretionary. It’s completely up to us how we will spend them.
So will you join with me and with one another to commit to make the most of the precious gifts of our time and our treasure in 2024 to share the good news of Jesus Christ through this congregation into our community and around the world?
Our Consecration Sunday will be November 19. At both worship services, we will ask God to consecrate our plans for our financial giving for 2024, which you can submit either on the card or through the online form on our website at We will also share in fellowship with one another in a church-wide brunch in the Crest Center between the services at 10 am that will be free for all to enjoy.
I would also like to invite you to offer an hour of your time in prayer for our church’s mission and ministries in a 24-hour prayer vigil that will start with a short prayer service in the sanctuary on Saturday, November 18 at 9 am and will conclude on Sunday, November 19 at 9 am. You can sign up for an hour slot at, and we will supply a prayer guide for you to use to pray throughout the day at home or wherever you may be.
I believe great things are ahead for Signal Crest in 2024. I am excited to see us build upon the growing momentum of so many of our ministries and extend the good spirit of this congregation into our community. You know my fondness for puns, but I truly believe this is ‘hour’ time!
Together in Christ,
Pastor Dave
Signal Crest United Methodist Church
1005 Ridgeway Avenue
Signal Mountain, TN 37377
Phone: 423-886-2330
Fax: 423-886-6919
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