The 2023 session of the Holston Annual Conference was held June 4-7 at the lovely Lake Junaluska, North Carolina. Rev. Dave Graybeal, Allison Maynard, Stephen Hines, and Rachel Dow represented Signal Crest. There was a refreshing and reinvigorating spirit of renewal this year. As District Superintendent Rev. Kim Goddard put it in her report from the Cabinet, there’s a new “D” word we’re focusing on going forward—not disaffiliation, but discipleship.
In her State of the Conference address on Monday morning, our Bishop Debra Wallace-Padgett shared that Holston is a strong and robust annual conference. She called us to a renewed focus on developing passionate spiritual leaders who make passionate spiritual disciples of Jesus. A passionate spiritual disciple is someone whose identity is centered in Jesus, whose life is formed and shaped and led by the Holy Spirit, who is continually growing in faith, pursuing their calling in the world, and helping others to become passionate spiritual disciples of Jesus.
Holston Conference Worship
In keeping with this renewed focus on passionate spiritual leadership, Bishop Wallace-Padgett challenged us all in Sunday night’s ordination service to offer Christ to someone else every day. We shared in the sacrament of Holy Communion together on Monday morning and reaffirmed our baptismal covenant on Tuesday morning. Holston Conference pastors Rev. Sarah Slack and
Walter Cross joined our guest preacher Bishop Gregory Palmer from the West Ohio annual conference in leading us in a fresh exploration of our sacramental teaching and practice.
On Monday evening, Bishop Palmer preached on the parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37) and encouraged us to go beyond the quick fixes and seek to address the root causes of the problems that plague our society. At the sending-forth service on Wednesday morning, he preached on the Great Commission (Matthew 28:16-20). He called out our self-doubt and challenged us to confidently claim God’s call on us all to bear witness to the Gospel in the world.
Retiring Scenic South District Superintendent Rev. Reed Shell preached at the memorial service. Worship and music was led by Rev. Willie Kitchens and Christina Malone, both from the Scenic South District. Chris Blue (the winner of season 12 of The Voice), the Cokesbury UMC (Knoxville) praise band, the Christ UMC (Chattanooga) choir, and the conference choir (in which both
Allison and Dave sang) also helped lead the worship services.
Let’s all join together here at Signal Crest to renew our efforts to take up the conference’s call—which is really Christ’s commission—to make passionate spiritual disciples of Jesus Christ who make a definite discernible difference for him in here on Signal Mountain and throughout the world.
Signal Crest United Methodist Church
1005 Ridgeway Avenue
Signal Mountain, TN 37377
Phone: 423-886-2330
Fax: 423-886-6919
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