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Devotional from Pastor Dave August 2, 2023

D Barton • August 1, 2023

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This past week, we hosted a “stellar” Vacation Bible School (that was the theme this year), and it was out of this world! We had a 25-foot tall rocket that nearly went to the ceiling of the Crest Center. We created a moonscape on the stage of the Crest and a starscape along the halls. Rachel recruited an “all-star” cast of 40 volunteers of both youth and adults to help with everything from crafts to games to snacks. I dressed up as an astronaut (Sheila Rogers called me a “pastronaut”) named Mickey Wey (I did not make that up) for the daily skit with my wife Tracy, who also led the music.

We had about 75-80 children there each night. The main idea we were sharing with them was for us to shine Jesus’ light to all, for Jesus is “the light of the world” (John 8:12). Tricia Earl, who is also our preschool director, did an amazing job leading the Bible stories with the groups each day. See if each day’s main message doesn’t resonate in some way with your own life.

On Monday, the message was “when life feels dark, shine Jesus’ light.” Sometimes life can feel dark, and we can wonder where is our hope. Just like Jesus’ birth into a world full of fear and anxiety was signaled by a bright star, so too can we shine his light in the world around us.

On Tuesday, the message was “when people don’t get along, shine Jesus’ light.” Sometimes there can be tension among family and friends. But in the midst of disagreement and discord, we can do what we can to “live in harmony with one another” (Romans 12:16).

On Wednesday, the message was “when people are sad, shine Jesus’ light.” The scripture focused on how Jesus took care of his mother, even as he was dying on the cross. And before he went to the cross, he encouraged his disciples, “Don’t let your hearts be troubled” (John 14:1). When life is hard and we’re facing losses of various kinds, we can trust in Jesus, and we can point others to him, too.

On Thursday, the message was “when people need help, shine Jesus’ light.” The scripture was one of my own favorite Bible stories, the story of Philip helping the Ethiopian to understand that the strange scripture he was reading was pointing to Jesus. When we help others, we are letting our light—Jesus’ light—“shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven” (Matthew 5:16).

On Friday, we hosted a family night hot dog supper where we enjoyed fellowship together, watched a slideshow recap of the week that Rachel had prepared, and handed out buttons, CDs and digital download cards of the music. We also celebrated the kids collecting over $300 in their daily offerings which will shine Jesus’ light by helping Signal Mountain Social Services provide plastic bins for their Clothes Closet.

I can’t thank Rachel and all the volunteers who gave so much of their time and energy and attention this past week to shine Jesus’ light and to share Jesus’ love with the children in this community. I pray they have been blessed as they have been a blessing to others.

I want to leave you with two questions for your own prayerful reflection:

Who has shined Jesus’ light to you in your life? To whom might you shine Jesus’ light in their life today?

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